Professional Massage Therapy
tailored to your individual needs
for maximum results.
The expert massage therapists at Narayan Wellness in Pleasanton, CA, have helped people, just like you, get back on their feet for over 20 years. Whether you just need relief from everyday stress or suffer from chronic back pain, sciatica, or other aches and pains, we’ll get your body back on track quickly and efficiently!

There's A Difference Between Feeling Better & Being Better
Massage not only feels good, but it can help heal what ails you. We customize your service to fit your needs and help your body relax, heal and recover.

Every Body Is Unique, Your Massage Should Be Too
No two bodies are the same. That’s why your Narayan Wellness massage therapist will use techniques from various styles to fit your specific needs, focusing on results.

More Than Relaxation! Don't Just Get Pampered; Get Results!
Sometimes you need to get to the root of the problem to heal an injury. Your therapist will work with you to get the necessary results and relief you need.